Claim Commands
Commands related to the claiming system.
/abandonclaim - Abandons the claim that you are standing in.
/abandonall - Abandons all of your claims.
/abandontop - Abandons the claim you are standing in, and all of its subdivisions.
/claimcontract (amount) (direction) - Shrinks the claim in the amount and direction that you specify.
/claimcreate (radius) (type) - Create a claim with the size and type that you specify. Types: Basic, Subdivision, Town.
/claimexpand (amount) (direction) - Expands your claim in the amount and direction that you specify.
/claimfarewell (message) - Set a farewell message for the claim that you are standing in.
/claimgreeting (message) - Set a greeting message for the claim that you are standing in.
/claimfarewell/claimgreeting clear - Clears the message for either farewell or greeting.
/claiminfo - Get information about the claim that you are standing in.
/claiminherit - Toggles claim parent inheritance mode.
/claiminvestigate - View nearby claims
/claimlist (player) - View all of the claims a player has.
/claimname (name) - Set the name for your claim.
/claimrent - Used to rent or list claims.
/claimsetspawn - Set the spawn of your claim to the location that you are standing in.
/claimspawn - Teleports you to spawn of your claim, if available.
/claimtransfer (player) - Transfers ownership of the claim that you are standing in to the player specified.
/cuboid - Toggles claiming in 3D mode, rather than the default 2D mode. (All the way up and down)
/giveblocks (player) (amount) - Give some of your claim blocks to another player.
/modebasic - Switches golden shovel claiming tool to basic mode. (Default)
/modesubdivide - Switches golden shovel claiming tool to subdivision mode.
/modetown - Switches golden shovel claiming tool to town mode.
/playerinfo - View your claim blocks and info, or another player(s) depending on if you specify their name.
/claimflag - Bring up a user gui in chat where you can click and turn on/off any settings you want for your claim.
/trust (player) (trust type) - Trust a player in your claim with the specified type. Accessor:
Grants a player entry to your claim(s) and use of your bed
Container:Grants a player access to your claim's containers, crops, animals, bed, buttons, and levers
Builder:Grants a player edit access to your claim(s)
Manager:Grants a player access to all of the above including claim settings
/trustall (player) (trust type) - Trust a player in all of your claims with the specified trust type.
/untrust (player) - Remove a players trust from your claim.
/untrustall (player) - Remove a players trust from all of your claims.
/trust public (trust type) - Set an access type for the public in your claim.
/trustall public (trust type) - Set an access type for the public in all of your claims.
Last updated