Claiming System Guide
A guide to our claiming plugin.
Getting Started - Before getting into the intense details, a few basics of our claim plugin are important to know. First, our rate is 120claimblocks/hr. This means you'll gain 120 claimblocks every hour you play. The tool we use is the Golden Shovel and you can create a claim by right clicking your chosen 2 corners. Using a basic Stick, you can see if a block is claimed or not. If you don't want to use tools, you can type /claim in chat to toggle on Claim Mode. When in Claim Mode, right clicking will select a corner to create a claim and left clicking will check if a block is claimed prior. To exit Claim Mode, type /claim again in chat. If you'd like to see all of your claims, type /claimlist and it will bring them up in chat
Getting Started (With Commands!) - If you'd prefer to create a claim with commands, you can use /claimcreate [radius] [type]. We'll get into the typings later, but leaving [type] blank for now will create a Basic claim. This type of claim is the typical one which spans from bedrock to build height and protects all your belongings inside of it. Alternatively, you can use the /gd claim create [radius] [type] command to do the same thing.
Editing Your Claim Area - While you can edit your claim's size the traditional way of reusing the /claim command or the claim tool to right click the pre-existing corners and place them in a new area, there are also some useful commands to do this, too. To expand your claim, stand inside it and type /gd claim expand [amount] [direction] or /expandclaim [amount] [direction]. For example, if you'd like to expand it 10 to the West, you would use either command and add 10 as the amount and West as the direction (ex: /expandclaim 10 West). If you'd like to expand it 10 in every direction, you would leave the [direction] option blank (ex: /gd claim expand 10). The contract commands are almost exactly the same, with contract in place of expand. The commands are /gd claim contract [amount] [direction] or /contractclaim [amount] [direction] (ex: /contractclaim 10 West would remove 10 blocks to the West). Expansion will take up your claim blocks and contraction will return them.
Removing a Claim - To abandon a claim, stand inside of it and type /gd abandon claim or /abandonclaim. If you want to abandon ALL of your claims, type /abandonallclaims or /abandonall. Both options will give you a confirmation to accept in chat first it's fully dissolved. While we'll get into Child Claims and Subdivisions in a moment, they must be abandoned inside of the Parent claim prior to abandoning the entire thing. You can either hunt them down individually or use the /gd abandon top or /abandontop command to abandon all child claims inside of a parent claim.
Claim Information - To learn claim info, type /claiminfo or /claiminvestigate inside the claim you want to learn about. The commands /gd claim info and /gd claim investigate work the same.
Trust Types and Commands - You can trust your friends to your claim in a few different ways. A basic trust is a Builder trust and can be done with the /gd trust player [username] command or /trust [username]. Trusts under this type are allowed to build and open containers, doors, etc in your claim. The other types are Container and Manager (for a total of 3 with Builder). Using /containertrust [username] allows that player access to any containers in your base. You can also use the /trust [username] [type] command - this is also how you trust someone to be a Manager. Using /trust [username] Manager, you grant someone essentially co-ownership to your claim, granting them the ability to /trust others to it along with all prior trusts. Be careful when you trust others to your claim! If you'd like to trust the entire server to your claim (such as a container claim if you're making a public warp with community chests or a build competition and allowing builder trust), you use the same command but with public in the place of [username]. For example, to allow everyone to interact with containers at your claim, you'd use /trust public container. If you have a friend you're playing with and trust them, you can do /gd trustall [username] [type] to trust them to ALL of your claims. To see the trustlist of your claim, simply type /gd trust list to see everyone trusted inside of it and at what level. As expected, to untrust people, you just type /untrust [username] or /gd untrust [username]. To untrust someone to all your claims, simply type /gd untrustall [username].
Sharing (or Selling) Claimblocks - If you want to give claimblocks to someone, you can use the command /gd giveblocks [username] [amount] or /giveblocks [username] [amount]. There will be a confirmation message in chat prior to sending them.
Cuboid and What It Means - Getting in to more complex things, the plugin offers 2D and 3D claims. A 2D claim will go from bedrock to build limit, preventing anyone from building above or below you as well as directly in your area. A 3D claim will go from the 2 blocks you select as pos1 and pos2. For example, if you select pos1 at Y 70 and pos2 at Y 100, you will have 30 blocks vertically that are claimed. X and Z are chosen the same as in a Basic 2D claim diagonally from each other. The 3D option is ideal when using a Subdivision or a Basic claim inside of a Town claim. We'll get into those types in a moment, but the 3D option allows you to set someone's build height inside of your Town. To swap between modes, type /gd cuboid or /cuboid. We have 2D as the default so you'll be protected fully!
Basics, Subdivisions, and Towns, Oh My! - Now that we've mentioned Towns, we can get into the 2nd type of Claim available to players. There are 2 types, but we've already addressed the Basic type and how to create a claim through it (through the /gd claim create [radius] basic command). A Town claim is a bit more complex and allows more things inside of it. You create a Town claim through the /gd claim create 32 Town command. You can change the number 32 but it cannot be any smaller. If you prefer to use the Golden Shovel tool to set your boundaries manually, you can swap to /modetown and exit it by using /modebasic. Both of the claim types - Basic and Town - allow for the creation of a Subdivision in them, which we will get in to in a moment. A Town, however, can allow for a Basic claim inside of it as well. This means you can have a Town with a Basic inside of it WITH a Subdivision inside of that!
Why Use a Subdivision? - To create a Subdivision, it has to be inside of another Basic claim or a Town. To enter the claim mode to create a Subdivision, the command is /modesubdivide. To exit it, it is /modebasic. You can also use the command /subdivideclaim while holding a Golden Shovel. When a Subdivision is created, it allows you to trust someone in ONLY that Subdivision inside a claim. This allows you to trust them to build you something in a specific spot, for example, but not have access to your entire claim. The image shown below is an example of a Town with a Basic claim inside of it with a Subdivision inside of the claim. To remove the Subdivision, you just stand inside of it and type /abandonclaim as normal and it will not remove the surrounding ones. This also works for a Basic claim inside of a Town.
Claim Inheritance - When using Basic and Subdivision claims inside of a Town claim (or just a Subdivision inside of a Basic), you can use the /gd claim inherit command or the /claiminherit command to toggle on and off the option for them to share the same flags as the parent - or larger - claim. This is toggled on by default. We'll get into flags in a bit!
Minor Customization - Before we get into flags, we'll address the easier customization options for your claims first. The easiest one is the one that allows you to set your claim's spawn. To do this, just stand inside your claim where you'd like to set it and type /gd claim setspawn or /claimsetspawn. This will make where you're standing the teleport point of your claim, such as when you do /claimlist and select TP. You are also able to name your claim using the /gd claim name [name] command or the /claimname [name] command. Finally, you have greeting and farewell commands to give people a message in chat when they enter or exit your claim. The greeting command is /gd claim greeting [message] and the farewell command is /gd claim farewell [message] - you can also use /claimgreeting [message] or /claimfarewell [message] if you prefer.
Claim Flags - While you can use commands to set flags individually, a much easier way is to do it using the easy chat pop-up. All you have to do is type /claimflag and it will show up in your chat box. You then have 4 pages to choose from of various flags to accept or deny - these range anywhere from allowing mob spawning to fall damage to even picking up and dropping items. When altering, you have the option in chat to switch between Admin or User at the top. Admin applies to the claim owner and user applies to anyone entering it, so make sure you check both!
How to Become a Realtor (Selling/Buying) - Almost there, just a few more commands!! The final commands you might want to know for the Claim Plugin are the transfer and sell commands. Using /transferclaim [username], /claimtransfer [username], or /gd claim transfer [username], you can give your entire claim - items included - to another user. This can be useful if you built something for someone and wanted to keep it protected while in the process. The last command is the one that allows you to sell your claims. Using /gd sell claim [price] or /claimsell [price], you can put your claim up for sale on a list for anyone to buy it. The list can be brought up using /gd buy claim or /claimbuy and it will show up in chat. You can teleport to the claims for sale first before deciding to buy any. Keep in mind that when you sell a claim, you sell all blocks and items within it as well as the claimblocks!
Last updated